Affordable Housing Forever

The Community Land Trust model is driven by the belief that housing should be a human right, not a commodity. It allows us to build high-quality, thoughtfully designed homes at lower construction costs than typical for-profit developers; and creates access to home ownership, stability and autonomy for households that cannot otherwise afford a home.


We’re here to make social change, not money. As a not-for-profit, the CLT is able to access funding and land-donations to significantly reduce the cost of housing development. We pass this affordability onto residents by selling homes at-cost.


Our projects are driven by robust community consultation, in service of diversity and accessibility. Long-term affordability creates and preserves vibrant neighbourhoods. We are democratically governed by a board of directors.


When buying a CLT home, residents agree to price controls that preserve affordability for generations to come. Rather than fluctuating with the market, CLT resale prices are calculated according to inflation. This allows residents to build equity in their home, while ensuring that future residents will have the same opportunity.

How It Works

A simplified overview

The following infographics are best viewed on desktop. Click to enlarge or download.

whitehorse community land trust affordable housing development

The Fine Print

Legal Contracts & Documentation

Below, you’ll find an example of the contracts and agreements that make a Community Land Trust possible. These have been put together for Project 1096.

Contract Purchase & Sale
Statutory Declaration
Option Agreement
Restrictive Covenant
Condo Declaration
Condo Bylaws

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